Monday, 7 December 2015


Title of Today's Lesson:

My Aims and Objectives for Today are:

How to Stretch and Challenge Myself

For Today's Lesson this will mean:
I remembered how Kevin taught us
I understand its stylistic choice ,similar but different to filming.
I applied it by creating my piece
could've been more consistent and filled with more visual stimulus.
7/10 for effort 4/10 for end result
see below.

Reflection during lesson

How am I doing so far:

I accomplished the goal of creating a smallPixilation clip

Reflection at end of lesson:

Good lesson although i wish i coudlve had time to plan a concept for the production

What have I achieved?

Monday, 30 November 2015

Cut out animation Devils sin:lust

Devils sin:Lust

Devils sin lust is a short cut out animation style film. This was made using magazine cutouts and one small drawing of a heart. the method we used was a 90 degree camera pointing down taking individual frames as i moved the stills around giving the illusion of movement .The story consisted of the devil offering his heart to an angel getting rejected and then falling to lust by calling a sex line.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Media ownership and you!

Media Ownership and you!

As we all know the media industry contains many opportunities in different areas such as games film tv radio image editing and much much more! in each of these industries they have there own business systems mostly revolving around conglomerates and subsidiaries.

Conglomerates are the overarching company that has access or flat out own the companies this could be seen as a form of contracting as it has the same basic principals, conglomerates are usually the companies who hold all the money and get the majority of the credit at the end of a production.An Example of a conglomerate is BBC.

Subsidiaries are the hired or owned companies by the conglomerates ,they usually specialize in individual talents such as production,audio,distribution etc. They do the physical work provided to a production based on their specialty, an example of a subsidiary is  Chun a subsidiary of Nintendo.

The ownership of companies is a system set up to gain maximum value for the main production companies and also develops bonds between companies making a larger amount of money for the companies in the chains a negative of this is that its hard for beginner companies to get noticed and become a subsidiary of established companies  

Monday, 23 November 2015

Andy's Assignment 1

Understanding music video



There are many purposes to making a music video one of the most commonly thought of is for the money, this financial gain of any music video is based off sales of the track views and monetization and TV broadcast. The problem with this standpoint is that not all music videos earn a lot of profit or in some cases directors earn none as they may make it for free , you may ask, "Hey Zak why make a music video for free that's pointless!?" Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble but there are more reasons, such as...

Creative Indulgence

One of the many reasons directors and band makes music videos is simply because they want to, they hear a track and want to make a vision a reality and with even with limited funding t
he right director will do everything in there power to make that idea into a full fledged music video.


Another reason to create a music video is to gain reputation in the industry by demonstr4ighting your cinematography, creative ideas and editing skills this can then lead to more hiring's or other jobs meaning more money and fame/popularity in the industry.


Yet another reason to produce a music video is for promotional reasons such a s to sell a product, brand or event the reason it works is because it builds up hype surrounding that event based or either the style of video/music , the demographic it appeals to or how referential it is a good example of a promotional music video is  Imagine Dragons Warriors as a promotional music video for the league of legends world championships 2014. The reason it is a  good example of a promotional music video is that it not only represents the journey from a basic player to professional it also shares demographic with Imagine dragons music demographic.


As seen before music videos dont have to be an isolated production they can link to outside sources and on a most basic level TV adverts (as shown below) , well at least alot of them can class as music videos following the basis of Music played to a video logic. But it can also incorporate into the games industry as shown above.

(p.s dont judge me i just remembered this one when it came to advertising)


There are 2 main places music videos are watched and they are Tv through channels such as kerrang and online through mediums such as YouTube and vimeo. They both have there benefits as for example tv can gain more money for the producers of the music videos although online you get more name recognition as usually you have to search directly for the piece you want.


Focus on one

One convention often seen in music videos is to focus on one major word or beat in the track and base the whole video on it such as the wordplay in Royal Republics song addictive.

Showing off the Band
In most to all music videos a Convention si to see the band Playing the song , zoomed in on the loudest/most powerful parts, such as the neck of the guitar the vocalists chest neck lips. An example of this is in Area 11s Heaven Piercing giga drill 


Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana

Originally When Miley Cyrus came on the scene she was presented as Disney's poster girl good music for the family but over time as her contract ran out with Disney her managed and her made the controversial decision to 180 her public personality from the family friendly style to the hyper sexualised Idol first seen in the song/video Wrecking Ball.


The one Shot.

The one shot is a technique used in music video where only one camera is used and not turned off until the song is done this may sound boring but it has been used with many creative direction and other techniques to make interesting piece's such as when it was used in Axewellingrossos Something New:



Another technique used in some music videos is to incorporate the words into the song or make the whole video the lyrics stylised to fit the themes such as in Hollywood Undead's Bullet

Cut out animation

Cutout animation short

These are the series of images we gathered form cutouts in an old magazine to portray a stroy of the devils lost love to the angel and how ti lead to him sinning agian.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Colour Correction

Colour Correction.

When we are doing colour correction we talk about colour in terms of temperature. The Reason we talk about in terms of temperature is due to it being measured in kelvin

To first access the colour correction area you first need to got to wind>workspace>Colour Correction.
this will change the view and access the feature you'll need to colour correct.

To correct colour there are two main method the fast corrector tool and the RBG Parade 
these can be accessed through the effects tab and dragged onto the clip before editing.

A Clean colour correction will have the colour levels fairly even as shown below.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Animation 1970s +

Animation 1970s+

He man(CEL Based)

Monty Pythons Flying Circus(Cut Out Animation)

Curse of the wear rabbit (Clay motion animation)

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Media Reaserch techniques:adams marketing reaserch

 Market Research
Looking at what is popular and currently selling to get the best example of what will earn money 

Audience Research 
Finding out what demographic is ie age gender race a nd basing your fil, on it

Prodcution Reaserch 
find out average costs of advertising adn pridctuion based on other prodcutions of the same type

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Reaserch techniques: BARB Researcg

BARB, What is it?

BARB, Broadcasting Audience Research Board is a website society that gathers information on television statistics such as Views per week and top tens which can lead to many surprises such as on challenge+1 i was expecting Takeshi castle and the crystal maze to pop up as i knew them to be popular shows when i used to watch television and thought they were popular but on the last week this was the actual results.

So why these results.Who does it appeal to?

I believe with the variety of this channel allows for a wide range of audience both in age and gender, theres the older re runs of shows such as bullseye where as the shows including bullseye as they are generally entertaining and have an old but smooth sense of humor, almost innocent.

BFI, Top 15 2-4th oct 2015

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The History of editing

The History Of Editing

The Lumiere Brothers (Auguste and Louis Lumière)

French inventors Auguste and louis Lumiére were the first known film makers who produced the first know motion picture Workers leaving the Lumiére factory.They produced all their content using the Cinématographe. They also made the first steps towards comedy film with their production L'Arroseur Arrosé.

Georges Méliès (Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès)

French Illusionist Georges Mélés was one of the first filmmakers to use and develop multiple exposurestime-lapse photographydissolves, and hand painted colour techniques And his most known film is probably A Trip to the moon (1902) and used the effect of the camera moving closer to the moon by moving the moon forward slowly on an elaborate dolly,He was one the first to create the genre of sci-fi and horror with such films as The Haunted castle.He also accidentally Discovered the jump cut when his camera jammed whilst recording a bus comming out of a tunnel and when he had fixed his camera a car was in its place creating the first jump cut this was the first use of time compression in film making history .

Edwin S. Porter (Edwin Stanton Porter)

Projectionist and Mechanic Edwin S. Porter was originally hired by the Eddison company originally to redesign and tweak their camera equipment but was soon hired as Eddisons main cameraman and worked his way up the ranks in the company by developing new special effects as well as stories told over  multiple scenes. Eddsion produced one of his most famous works whilst working at the Eddison company being the great train robbery, it being one of the first motion pictures to show a continuous narrative progression with the advent of scenes. He was also the first Cinematographer to mix stick footage with recoreded footage to make a new narrative Life of an american fireman.
D.W Giffiths (David Llewelyn Wark Griffith)

Confederate army colonel and Kentucky state legislator D.W Griffiths Originally started his creative career as a playwright before becoming an actor and taking parts as extras in his own plays. later in life Griffiths went to Edison studios to try and sell his plays sadly he was rejected but got an acting post in "Rescued from an Eagles nest" this took him down the motion picture route with the company and lead him to produce over 40 movies for the current company. Later on his career he created the birth of a nation  earning the most revenue of any movie to date but also is modernly agreed as a racist film. from this he then went to make intolerance to show how movies should be accepted sadly this movie flopped and was still in debt till the day he passed but in this movie he used all differnt editing styles and techniques from all his previous work.  

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Adams questionnaire


Consoles and how you use them?

1. Which of these consoles do you own?(Circle the appropriate letters as many as needed)
a) Xbox original 
b) Xbox 360 generation
c) Xbox One
d) Playsation 1
e) Playstation 2
f) Playstation 3
g) Playstation 4
h) Nintendo DS+DSI+DS Lite 
i) Nintendo wii +wii u
j) Nintendo 3Ds
k) None
l) Other (Please specify on the line below)

2. How many years Have you owned your oldest working console?

3.What Originally got you interested in console gaming?

4.Have you ever had to take a console in for repairs?
a) Yes
b) No

5.Do you watch gameplay of the consoles online before purchasing them?
b) No

Open and closed Questions

Open and closed Questions

Open Questions

an open question leaves the answer to be unique for the individual, meaning that it has to be read through it cant just be put through a machine.

Closed questions

single answer questions usually in tick cross boxes so that it can be read uickly potentially by a machine to gather data faster but less detail

Monday, 28 September 2015

History Of Animation

History Of Animation

Persistance of vision

Persistance of vision is the idea that when our brain cannot process where data or images are missing our brain creates images or thoughts to fill in the gaps the reason for this is so our brain can make a more based decision on the situation making you think you know all the data when you do not. This is important in animation as it allows the production to use less frames and allows the viewers brain to be more involved.


A Zoetrope is one of the most commonly known forms of old animation where usually 12+ images were placed in a circular "Drum"like object and since the images are so closely related the Persistance of vision effect kicks in and our brain creates a short clip to watch based of the images This could be considered the first form of Gif.


Similar to the Zoetrope the phenakistoscope uses the principal of Persistence of Vision to create the ideal of motion and is the predecessor of the common flip book.


A thaumatrope is another example of a device that uses persistance of vision where is singe piece of material twirls to create a single image form two, This, unlike the others was more so considered a toy compared to the others suited for all ages.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Production and its stages.

There are 4 Major steps in the production and release of any film these are needed as without them you either wouldn't have a movie, have a poor movie, or way overspend.


The Initial stage of a Production is the development stage this usually consists of Director, Producer, Script editor and a Screen play team this stage evolves the original ideas and creation of the script this stage ends when the script is locked.
In this stage, at least in film making There is usually little to no diallouge but a 25-30 page description of the story what tone it will ber set in and often includes small pictures to help visualize the main points. 

Pre-Production Planning

Pre Production is the stage where everything is starting to get set up, its at this point the script writer the director and editor and many more important roles all work together to make the directors visions realties, The producer can make a profit of his investment, and the script writers ideas make sense, The Line prodcuer then takes all the details of cost such as cast equipment location travel etc., and works out weather its affordable and will it sell and make a profit and a good story, ~At this point all will be set up for production.


Post Production

After the data for the film/production has been collected. This is where all the effects are applied, Either special effects, Audio Effects, Color Grading. And is shown to a focus group to see if it worked before either making final changes.


After the production has been complete it is then handed over to a sales team where they work on marketing and distribution via cinemas, DVDs blue rays and more to get as much revenue from the production.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Exmaples of stop motion

Circle Circle Dot Dot is a stop motion lego music animation of the song of the same name, Originally produced in 2007 by Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone and currently has over 17 million views.

Pokemon Stop-motion battle Charizrd Vs Lucario is a short battle animation using Pokemon figurines,This animation also incases so special features such as added fire effects for Charizrd an extra sound effects to match the motion released in 2013 and currently has 335,00 views.

RWBY Yellow trailer was a one of a series of 4 trailers from the web series RWBY Directed and casted by the sadly deceased Monty Oum, it has a strong music track and incorporates dialogue and hgh actions scenes to represent the nature of the show. being released in 2013 and currently has over 4 million views.