Wednesday 30 September 2015

Adams questionnaire


Consoles and how you use them?

1. Which of these consoles do you own?(Circle the appropriate letters as many as needed)
a) Xbox original 
b) Xbox 360 generation
c) Xbox One
d) Playsation 1
e) Playstation 2
f) Playstation 3
g) Playstation 4
h) Nintendo DS+DSI+DS Lite 
i) Nintendo wii +wii u
j) Nintendo 3Ds
k) None
l) Other (Please specify on the line below)

2. How many years Have you owned your oldest working console?

3.What Originally got you interested in console gaming?

4.Have you ever had to take a console in for repairs?
a) Yes
b) No

5.Do you watch gameplay of the consoles online before purchasing them?
b) No

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