Understanding music video

Creative Indulgence


Yet another reason to produce a music video is for promotional reasons such a s to sell a product, brand or event the reason it works is because it builds up hype surrounding that event based or either the style of video/music , the demographic it appeals to or how referential it is a good example of a promotional music video is Imagine Dragons Warriors as a promotional music video for the league of legends world championships 2014. The reason it is a good example of a promotional music video is that it not only represents the journey from a basic player to professional it also shares demographic with Imagine dragons music demographic.
As seen before music videos dont have to be an isolated production they can link to outside sources and on a most basic level TV adverts (as shown below) , well at least alot of them can class as music videos following the basis of Music played to a video logic. But it can also incorporate into the games industry as shown above.
(p.s dont judge me i just remembered this one when it came to advertising)
There are 2 main places music videos are watched and they are Tv through channels such as kerrang and online through mediums such as YouTube and vimeo. They both have there benefits as for example tv can gain more money for the producers of the music videos although online you get more name recognition as usually you have to search directly for the piece you want.
Focus on one
Showing off the Band
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
Originally When Miley Cyrus came on the scene she was presented as Disney's poster girl good music for the family but over time as her contract ran out with Disney her managed and her made the controversial decision to 180 her public personality from the family friendly style to the hyper sexualised Idol first seen in the song/video Wrecking Ball.
The one Shot.
The one shot is a technique used in music video where only one camera is used and not turned off until the song is done this may sound boring but it has been used with many creative direction and other techniques to make interesting piece's such as when it was used in Axewellingrossos Something New:
Another technique used in some music videos is to incorporate the words into the song or make the whole video the lyrics stylised to fit the themes such as in Hollywood Undead's Bullet

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