Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The History of editing

The History Of Editing

The Lumiere Brothers (Auguste and Louis Lumière)

French inventors Auguste and louis Lumiére were the first known film makers who produced the first know motion picture Workers leaving the Lumiére factory.They produced all their content using the Cinématographe. They also made the first steps towards comedy film with their production L'Arroseur Arrosé.

Georges Méliès (Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès)

French Illusionist Georges Mélés was one of the first filmmakers to use and develop multiple exposurestime-lapse photographydissolves, and hand painted colour techniques And his most known film is probably A Trip to the moon (1902) and used the effect of the camera moving closer to the moon by moving the moon forward slowly on an elaborate dolly,He was one the first to create the genre of sci-fi and horror with such films as The Haunted castle.He also accidentally Discovered the jump cut when his camera jammed whilst recording a bus comming out of a tunnel and when he had fixed his camera a car was in its place creating the first jump cut this was the first use of time compression in film making history .

Edwin S. Porter (Edwin Stanton Porter)

Projectionist and Mechanic Edwin S. Porter was originally hired by the Eddison company originally to redesign and tweak their camera equipment but was soon hired as Eddisons main cameraman and worked his way up the ranks in the company by developing new special effects as well as stories told over  multiple scenes. Eddsion produced one of his most famous works whilst working at the Eddison company being the great train robbery, it being one of the first motion pictures to show a continuous narrative progression with the advent of scenes. He was also the first Cinematographer to mix stick footage with recoreded footage to make a new narrative Life of an american fireman.
D.W Giffiths (David Llewelyn Wark Griffith)

Confederate army colonel and Kentucky state legislator D.W Griffiths Originally started his creative career as a playwright before becoming an actor and taking parts as extras in his own plays. later in life Griffiths went to Edison studios to try and sell his plays sadly he was rejected but got an acting post in "Rescued from an Eagles nest" this took him down the motion picture route with the company and lead him to produce over 40 movies for the current company. Later on his career he created the birth of a nation  earning the most revenue of any movie to date but also is modernly agreed as a racist film. from this he then went to make intolerance to show how movies should be accepted sadly this movie flopped and was still in debt till the day he passed but in this movie he used all differnt editing styles and techniques from all his previous work.  

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