Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Mediacom Pen Profiling.

1. Where did i hear about Deadpool?
Friends and word of mouth

2.What do i like or dislike about cinema?
Like: Darkness, surround sound, optimal date experience.
Dislike: Prices of food, Overcrowded , and inability to pause on demmand

3.Where do i go to the cinema?
Anywhere i can.

4.Who with?

5.What makes me/stops me going to the cinema?
See answers to question 3

6.invent my ideal film?
Romance, intimacy,  Human nature, Psychological ,macabre body art.

7.What is my favourite film ever?
Dont have one, but have a top 3

8.what am i doing this weekend?
Bleaching and dying my hair

9.What films interest me next year?
Ratchet and clank

10.What news story am interested in this week?
havent watched the news this week

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