Wednesday 24 February 2016

Pen profiling adams assignment

Name: Ben Saunders
Job aims:Mechanic, Graphic designer, Games engineer
Likes: Gaming, Books, me (I wish)
Film likes: The Hobbit, sc-fi , fantasy
shops at?: Sainsbury's , asda, Amazon
Personality: Understanding, Opinionated, self some
Job/Education : In college
Weekends: Gaming, youtube, Internet browsing, Skype.
Websites used: Discord,Skype,Facebook,Rule 34, 4chan, Reddit. steam
Music: Classical,Techno, Dubstep
Hobbies: See Likes.

Mediacom Pen Profiling.

1. Where did i hear about Deadpool?
Friends and word of mouth

2.What do i like or dislike about cinema?
Like: Darkness, surround sound, optimal date experience.
Dislike: Prices of food, Overcrowded , and inability to pause on demmand

3.Where do i go to the cinema?
Anywhere i can.

4.Who with?

5.What makes me/stops me going to the cinema?
See answers to question 3

6.invent my ideal film?
Romance, intimacy,  Human nature, Psychological ,macabre body art.

7.What is my favourite film ever?
Dont have one, but have a top 3

8.what am i doing this weekend?
Bleaching and dying my hair

9.What films interest me next year?
Ratchet and clank

10.What news story am interested in this week?
havent watched the news this week

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Documentary 23/02/16

Fair use laws

  1. What is fair use?
    In copyright law, there is a concept of fair use, also known as; free use, fair dealing, or fair practice.
    Fair use sets out certain actions that may be carried out, but would not normally be regarded as an infringement of the work.
    The idea behind this is that if copyright laws are too restrictive, it may stifle free speech, news reporting, or result in disproportionate penalties for inconsequential or accidental inclusion.
  2. What does fair use allow?
    Under fair use rules, it may be possible to use quotations or excerpts, where the work has been made available to the public, (i.e. published). Provided that:
    • The use is deemed acceptable under the terms of fair dealing.
    • That the quoted material is justified, and no more than is necessary is included.
    • That the source of the quoted material is mentioned, along with the name of the author.
  3. Typical free uses of work include:
    • Inclusion for the purpose of news reporting.
    • Incidental inclusion.
    • National laws typically allow limited private and educational use.
  4. What is incidental inclusion?
    This is where part of a work is unintentionally included. A typical examples of this would be a case where holiday movie inadvertently captured part of a copyright work, such as some background music, or a poster that just happened to on a wall in the background.
  5. Points to keep in mind...
    The actual specifics of what is acceptable will be governed by national laws, and although broadly similar, actual provision will vary from country to country.
    Cases dealing with fair dealing can be complex, as decisions are based on individual circumstances and judgements. This can be a very difficult area of copyright law.
    To avoid problems, if you are in any doubt, you are advised to always get the permission of the owner, prior to use.
  6. UK fair dealing legislation
    For specific details on fair dealing under UK law please refer to our factsheet P-27: Using the work of others.

Medi aResources (Mostly images)

Monday 22 February 2016

AnimationAssignment lesson 3

Assests by Zak Howseman Creative media

Things i need for :

2 A3 Plain Paper For base
 4 A3 Carton board For trees and Grass and buildings
1 A4 Chicken wire 
10 silver 6 inch pipe cleaners For fence stability
1  black plasticine for slender model
1 white plasticine For slender model
Small tubs of poster paint , White,Black ,Green ,Brown. For Set Painting.
Small tub of pva connect set pieces

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Pre-Production Theory

So you wanna make a Video?

Well, Do you think you're ready? think you can jump headfirst in and make a masterpiece? Well hold your horses ,all great works took proper planning and time so here well walk you through what you need. 

So what production are we going for? 

So the main 3 forms we are going cover in this informational guide are Tv, Film and YouTube.


You'll need to create an equipment list, Time sheets, Backup Plans, Risk assessments, If non set based then location scouting.
These would be fitting for tv as they meet the requirements needed to produce a comptent show :)


You'll need to create Asset log, Budget sheet, Call sheet, contract details , footage log, location permission forms, Release and consent Agreement, Story boarding Risk assessment, Research, Script, Script breakdown.

These would be used in both showing investors and when changing ideas based on restrictions ^..^.


Upload scheduled, Thumbnail ideas, Equipment list, Contact list, Editing time, Render allowance time
Collaboration timetable, Social media links, Idea notebook, Sponsorship agreements, Copyright cheeks..

How will you Manage time?


Working on a tv set is like a nine till five job in the sense you have set hours you are meant to come in to record, This can change depending on what is needed to be reordered for example the news is live so would be filmed as such whereas a show like pointless can be recorded in bulk as it has no showing of timed live events.


For film you are usually provided with a call sheet of where and when to be along with contact detials of anyone else going there in case of assistance needed. 


As for YouTube, Unless you are under a network you are usually under your own time constraints. Despite this to gain an audience its usually best to create an upload schedule based on your country time zone and target demographic.

Media display

Reithian Values (BBC)

Educate,Inform, Entertain

Learn more:


To Create a Equal view point form opposite perspectives.


Having a neutral view on the topic.


Having a swayed view based on personal opinion


Basing a viewpoint on personal emotions/ history


Basing a viewpoint on Facts/statistics

Monday 8 February 2016

My Anoimation Brief :Slender

Slender The Claymation 

The final idea i went with is a 3-d clay model version of the popular horror game slender. 

Storyline Sequence:


Shot 1: Slender logo Fade out

Shot 2: Pov  Shot Of woods with overlaid text of find the notes to escape

Shot 3 : camera moving forward to represent walking deeper into the forest

Shot 4 : Zooms in on piece of paper with squiggles before a hand reaches out and cuts to a picture of page 1/8 form the slender library. 

Shot 5 :more walking through woods with dynamic lighting (a slender head can be seen with close eyes peaking form behind tree .

Shot 6 :comes across a gas tank with paper at bottom , Walks over hand reaches out towards, Cuts to page 2/8 from the slender library.

Shot 7 : Walking towards a fence (Pipe cleaners)

Shot 8: Spots paper at corner heads towards it -Screen static so camera moves faster-

Shot 9: hand leans down and picks up and cuts to note 3/8

Monday 1 February 2016

Animation Advanced

Main 3 ideas

Idea One
Two Main characters guy with dog, girl on phone (Cutout) walking animation in park two bump into each other giggle heart pops up girl turns and walks with guy laughing with block squares to make it shown.

Foreground 1: Path , grasss
Foreground 2 Tree

Background Permanent Blue based sky

Motion :
Man: Head Torso Legs x 2 Arms x 2 dog on leash

Girl Head Torso legs x 2 arms x 2 phone


Light clouds

Ambient park

Dog walking / panting

Footsteps on gravel

phone sounds light giggle

Idea Two:

Music video adaptation of creepy Doll Lyric breakdown animation Using the lyrics make visual cutouts of the doll house money ect and play out the song as a visual medium

Foreground 1 : Doll close up
Foreground 2: Box close up
Foreground 3: Money bag up close

Background 1: Market
Background 2: Inside house
Background 3 inside kitchen







Door creek

Song track
Idea Three:

Cutout Impersonation of Weiss Shnee Fencing fight from the opening mirror mirror

Background 1: Stage Weiss is singing on
Background 2: Silhouette Castle

Armour guard Head :sword 4 part legs (Knees) 2 4 part arms (Elbows)

Weiss shnee Body Head for first part

Weiss Shnee

Monday 25 January 2016

Pre -Production My own animation: Ideas stage

Assignment 2 My own animation ideas

My base of idea is that i want to make a form of animated music video for one of these songs.

Ideas - Based off the fan animation prodcue a set piece animation of it.

ideas- Mechanical organ looking cut out animation with bloodstained  Rainbow colors.

Ideas -Visual literal interpretation of the lyrics .
Ideas- Lyric breakdown into visual metaphors

Monday 18 January 2016

Early animation 1930s-1960s

Early animation 1930s-1960s

Disney and cel 1930

Disney was one of the first mainstream animation companies that popularised celluloid animation from the 1930s with their first major hit snow white the process is shown below.

Comps to dirty grandpa

Dirty Grandpa produced by lionsgate studios is planned to be released in early 2016 and is a comedy similar to the likes of:
1) Bad neighbours
2)American pie
3)Meet the Fockers

  1. Bad neighbours 

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Assignment 2 for Clive Davies-Frayne: Editing Theory

Editing Theory

What is it to edit? 
To edit at its base is to change something such as video, audio and writing.In our case Video/Film Editing it is used to create styles atmospheres and tell the audience what is happening visually through effect.

Editing the eraly days

Georges Méliès - 1895

In 1985 the lumiere brothers had a screening of the first film "workers leaving the lumiere factory" of which the technology impressed audiences but George's saw potential and decided he wanted to amke films, he first attempted buy a cinematography off the lumiere brothers of which he was declined as they wanted a monopoly on the film industry and so Gorges went to the uk and purchased an animatograph of which he reversed engineered into his own form of camera. Whilst using his new camera he discovered one of ,if not the first editing technique was first discovered when gorges was recording a street of traffic and whilst recording a bus passing his camera jammed and when he fixed it another car was there , upon development he noticed the car mysteriously appeared where the bus was, this was the first instance of the now commonly know, jump cut.

Over time Gorges used this technique to create his new films and shows an developed more editing types such as fade in and outs, overlapping dissolves and Stop motion photography.   

Edwin Porter - 1903

 Unlike Mellies tablo style of filming whereas it was in the style of the theatre, Edwin porter, originally a vitoscope projectionist until around 1900 where he joined Eddison manufacturing company and became head of production for skylight studio in 1901. From 1901 until 1906 Edwin served as Eddisons go to director and cameraman. Having a background in film and a great interest in Mellies work Edwin porter decided to try creating his own piece with 1903's "life of a fireman" But apart form the norm of setting up a shot and making it he mixed it with sock footage with stages scenes to make a fictional narrative sadly Porter was stuck in the each shot has to be a complete scene mentality leading to time overlays where you would see the same shot from two angle which nowadays looks like bad time cutting in and out. and whilst to us it seems clunky to the viewers back then it was still the amazement of the technology that impressed them so they allowed such time overlap's to slip by. Eventually the freshness of the film industry would wear off and Porter had to push the film style forward with his most famous piece the great train robbery. in this porter is more decisive with his cutting and although each scene is still one master take. He cuts between each scene without fades or dissolves and most importantly not letting the scene reach its logical end. Edwin porter was one of the pioneers of compression of time, and was one of the first developers of continuity editing and based his work less on the scene,but on the shot.  but this is as far as porter got taking editing forward in time.

David Wark Griifith - 1908
In 1908 Edwin Porter hired a young actor to be the lead part in rescued from an eagles nest this started the 40 year long career  for David Wark Griffith. After having little to no success in any other career routes D.W Griffith took this opportunity and this gave him contact with Edwin porter. D.W Griffith always wanted to be a writer and worked under the production name Lawrence Griffith submitted many plays and scripts but were uninteresting under advice of a friend made senarios for films after submitting one to Edwin porter,which was rejected due to having to many scenes he hired Griffith to act in one of his films. After this D.W Griifith was picked up by bio-graph a failing production company that was looking for directors and after producing "The Adventures of Dollie " in 2 days he was hired and wen ton to produce 450 films from 1908 -1911 and pushed it out of the tablo mentality and into the multi shot style we would now recognize.

Editing the purpose?
The most powerful message in the world world is only powerful when directed to the right people through the right channels in the right way ,when projects dont have the impact the creator wants its usually because the message is misunderstood or not actively shaped. Through correct video editing Technics a messege can be passed on visually rather than through a narrative. for example if you wanted to demonstrate someone getting older through a visual medium you could ahve a left seep to them being older at the current moment. if you wanted time compression you could change the shot before the current one end to just after the beginning of another (see The great train robbery for examples of this)
So TL;DR We edit to tell a story in a more complex way and it invests the audience through them working out its message or meaning.

Editing Conventions/ Where we are today?
As film making went on the techniques evolved with it.Such as we noted before there were such conventions as the jump cute,the fade in,dissolves and the 180' rule . all of which we use today, all be it in more advanced ways, These techniques were transferred  to our technological style of editing and are used in modern movies to create the effects mentioned in the previous section. and many more atmospheric reasons such as to create suspense, mystery, a sense of completeion.

Monday 11 January 2016


Time-lapse is a method of condensing time using sped up content by taking images every other frame the more amount of frames between each shot the faster it goes.

Timelapse art

Another example of timelapse is in gaming to demonstrate a passing of an event that would take a while made faster