Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Adams questionnaire


Consoles and how you use them?

1. Which of these consoles do you own?(Circle the appropriate letters as many as needed)
a) Xbox original 
b) Xbox 360 generation
c) Xbox One
d) Playsation 1
e) Playstation 2
f) Playstation 3
g) Playstation 4
h) Nintendo DS+DSI+DS Lite 
i) Nintendo wii +wii u
j) Nintendo 3Ds
k) None
l) Other (Please specify on the line below)

2. How many years Have you owned your oldest working console?

3.What Originally got you interested in console gaming?

4.Have you ever had to take a console in for repairs?
a) Yes
b) No

5.Do you watch gameplay of the consoles online before purchasing them?
b) No

Open and closed Questions

Open and closed Questions

Open Questions

an open question leaves the answer to be unique for the individual, meaning that it has to be read through it cant just be put through a machine.

Closed questions

single answer questions usually in tick cross boxes so that it can be read uickly potentially by a machine to gather data faster but less detail

Monday, 28 September 2015

History Of Animation

History Of Animation

Persistance of vision

Persistance of vision is the idea that when our brain cannot process where data or images are missing our brain creates images or thoughts to fill in the gaps the reason for this is so our brain can make a more based decision on the situation making you think you know all the data when you do not. This is important in animation as it allows the production to use less frames and allows the viewers brain to be more involved.


A Zoetrope is one of the most commonly known forms of old animation where usually 12+ images were placed in a circular "Drum"like object and since the images are so closely related the Persistance of vision effect kicks in and our brain creates a short clip to watch based of the images This could be considered the first form of Gif.


Similar to the Zoetrope the phenakistoscope uses the principal of Persistence of Vision to create the ideal of motion and is the predecessor of the common flip book.


A thaumatrope is another example of a device that uses persistance of vision where is singe piece of material twirls to create a single image form two, This, unlike the others was more so considered a toy compared to the others suited for all ages.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Production and its stages.

There are 4 Major steps in the production and release of any film these are needed as without them you either wouldn't have a movie, have a poor movie, or way overspend.


The Initial stage of a Production is the development stage this usually consists of Director, Producer, Script editor and a Screen play team this stage evolves the original ideas and creation of the script this stage ends when the script is locked.
In this stage, at least in film making There is usually little to no diallouge but a 25-30 page description of the story what tone it will ber set in and often includes small pictures to help visualize the main points. 

Pre-Production Planning

Pre Production is the stage where everything is starting to get set up, its at this point the script writer the director and editor and many more important roles all work together to make the directors visions realties, The producer can make a profit of his investment, and the script writers ideas make sense, The Line prodcuer then takes all the details of cost such as cast equipment location travel etc., and works out weather its affordable and will it sell and make a profit and a good story, ~At this point all will be set up for production.


Post Production

After the data for the film/production has been collected. This is where all the effects are applied, Either special effects, Audio Effects, Color Grading. And is shown to a focus group to see if it worked before either making final changes.


After the production has been complete it is then handed over to a sales team where they work on marketing and distribution via cinemas, DVDs blue rays and more to get as much revenue from the production.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Exmaples of stop motion

Circle Circle Dot Dot is a stop motion lego music animation of the song of the same name, Originally produced in 2007 by Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone and currently has over 17 million views.

Pokemon Stop-motion battle Charizrd Vs Lucario is a short battle animation using Pokemon figurines,This animation also incases so special features such as added fire effects for Charizrd an extra sound effects to match the motion released in 2013 and currently has 335,00 views.

RWBY Yellow trailer was a one of a series of 4 trailers from the web series RWBY Directed and casted by the sadly deceased Monty Oum, it has a strong music track and incorporates dialogue and hgh actions scenes to represent the nature of the show. being released in 2013 and currently has over 4 million views.